Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 9:24 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 7:12 PM
forever on the dance floor.
shit, i'm craving for pizza, sushi & seoul garden! lolz.
and i'm feeling giddy for no reason :X
gahh, i feel like baking too!
Thursday, July 17, 2008 @ 11:28 PM
i dont wanna run away, but i cant take it, i dont understand.
yay! out with the AH's(na, short, ling) tomorrow. HAHA.
updated 19/6:
hahaha, so was at esplanade yesterday.
supposed to study but i didnt have the mood to, haha.
so was half-stoning there, LOL.
Internal Drill Competition.
Grats to Group1, haha!
Super fun, and yea, it's finally over! (:
Lunch with AhDi, and then home.

gahhhh, i need a haircut!
okay, that's all, bye.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 11:23 PM
tonight i've fallen and i can't get up, i need your loving hands to come and pick me up.
Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 9:49 PM
maybe my love will come back someday, haha!
Okay, btw.
I have a maid now. Haha.
Hmm, GB day rehersal today.
Till 4plus, and then home.
Was super tired so i slept for awhile.
And then went mac with ahdi for sundae.
Slacked and then home. Haha.
That's all, bye!

This was taken quite some time ago, when me and stella was acting retarded by breaking "binbin" into pieces. HAHA. (:

P.S. hahahahahahah, i love you! (:
Sunday, July 06, 2008 @ 10:55 PM
my love will get you home
gb chalet. hahaha.
kindof boring at first.
but it was better at night.
hmm, and then to mac.
ahdi came later, ahaha.
and then home.
anne and junie came.
mahjong-ed and then ahdi came.
ahdi left and then anne went home awhile later while me and junie went for KFC.
after eating, we went this fashion. totally nothing for you to shop, hahahaha.
okay next stop, ntuc. then we got excited about baking.
so we headed to popular to look for recipes.
lolz, then ahdi came.
and junie was super retarded. she tried reading jokes to us. LOL.
but turned out that i was laughing at her instead of the jokes, LOL.
junie went home and then we stone-d @ singpost.
that's all!
sorry for the lack of photographs. haha.
bye! xoxo.
Thursday, July 03, 2008 @ 8:37 PM
starry, starry night. paint your palette blue and gray.
absent again, haha!
and i was so worried about missing maths lesson.
so i went e-learning to study.
but turned out that the teacher was absent too :X
packet ahboon. back to class.
didnt catch anything during the meeting, lolz.
stone in school for dont know what reason.
home, then lib with ahdi.
and then home (:
compo test, super tired and i just scribbled through my work.
ahboon again. and then drill.
was somewhat quite tired ):
and i'm superrr tired now!
and gosh, there's SS test tml!
i've yet to,and too tired study for it ):
alright, that's all.
bye, xoxo (: