Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 10:40 PM
it's really good to hear your voice, sayin' my name. it sounds so sweet.
hinder - lips of an angel
Stayed at home today.
Met AhDi at 7pm.
I only realised that i was wearing my brother's contacts when i left home. zzz.
Went to ECP. Waited for the fireworks.
But it turned out that it only lasted less than 10secs, and all the stupid trees were blocking it.
So waste my time! ): so went home awhile later.
haha, okayokay, i know i'm bad ): but i still love you! ((((:
That's all! Bye!
xoxo, (:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 @ 10:10 PM
it's like the whole world stops to listen, when you tell me you're in love..
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 9:45 PM

school started.
nothing much though.
lunch with ahdi after school.
packed tents after school.
lunch with junie and karen.
home and then to lib with ahdi.
and then back home.
and yes! i was super high in school today. haha.
i can recall winning junie and huiqing scissors paper stone tons of times. haha!
and i also found my pink cab picture!
omg how much i missed that edited picture! lolz! (:
okay that's all, bye.
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 7:34 PM
if you didnt notice, boy you meant everything. (:
Special thanks to:
1. HuiQing, Karen, Ruiting, Anne, Junie and Yvonne
for the surprise dinner!
Thanks for all the effort put in the dinner!
Sorry that i wasn't that surprised and i wasn't that hungry,
but it was still a great dinner! Haha.
And also to HuiQing for the present! (:
2. Peichuan for the present,
and tgt with junxing for entertaining me and liying before dinner, haha!
3. The boys, for the puzzle! haha!
(So sorry! i dont really know who were the ones who made that)
4. Jiaqi for the presents, haha!
(you zhuan dao hor! LOL.)
And also the cake, which i also dont know who, ): sorry.
And thanks to everyone else for the wishes and everything! (:
Pictures are not with me, so just try bloghopping. haha!
tag replies:
pingling haha! the tagboard size is standard one, cannot change. haha, happy belated bday you mean! lolz! (:
siewjean haha! lame!! retarded leh! its because the space too much, thats why you think its little! haha!
jasmine haha! you went on the second day mah! haha, thanks!!! (: how come you not xia0range mehs! LOL. apple love orange too! LOL.
stella haha! the size cannot change one leh! and tmrw what thing?! lol!!! hahahaa! yea! you miss me like shit i miss you like pangsai okay! LOL. hahaha thanks! omg! dont blame me if i really do pon school on the first day! HAHA! oops! LOL.
kokchun, ethel, cheveon, fooxin, kaiping & yalan thanks for the wishes! (:
liying haha! happy (belated) birthday to you too! lolz! haha ya omg damn sad! left like a few more days leh! plus this few more days like very busy like that! ): yes! nov! but still long! ):
peichuan haha! thanks! haha yea, i will change later! xD
joel haha yea! wait ahh, LOL. so sorry! ):
claire haha! okay! i will link you later! (:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @ 12:04 PM
actually you're kinda right about yourself.
Ah, back from camp.
Stupid hike was super tiring. Hais.
So.. Headed home after the debrief.
Bathed and met Anne for Dipper (Dinner + Supper).
Chatted awhile and then home.
Was super exhausted la, zzz.
Haha, anyway.
i'm/was kindof disappointed. esplanade? ):
Sunday, June 15, 2008 @ 10:40 PM
imagine me without you, (HAHA!)
I was sick of my older blogskin.
Anyway, sorry to those who asked me to help them make one and after so long i still have not started on it yet.
Off to AdventureCamp tomorrow, gosh.
Miss me!!! (:
Will be back on 17June.
Tata, xoxo.
(dont forget to tag by clicking at the link given beside okay, lol.)
8 more days (:
P.S. i kinda hate birthdays.
I don't really want any presents.
Saturday, June 14, 2008 @ 10:54 PM
there's no need to complicate our time is short, this is our fate, im yours.
HAHA, was chatting with Anne last night.
And we randomly met up at Mac after that! Gosh! HAHA.
Okay you can go to her blog for more info, LOL.
Had ice-cream and retarded chats over at mac! Haha!
Hahahaha, see i'm so nice! i knew she had a good hair day so i met up with her just to take photos! hahaha!
Okay and I also have to thank her for always listening to whatever retarded crap i have all the time! hahaha! and all the stupid problems and stuffs that happened between me and 'applepie'. HAHA! And also tolerating me for all my "i will be late" and "i taking car today" smses early in the morning, or even forgetting to inform her about me not meeting her, LOL. And also including my frequent tendency of ponning school! Haha!
Pictures! :

okay bye, xoxo.
Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 8:55 PM
everything will change, but love remains the same.
Wed, 11/6
Had drill, and off to sentosa next.

Thurs, 12/6
Drill and home.
CIP @ HPB again.
Rather tiring. Went off a little early.
Home and then to vivo.
So, i travelled from home -> outram park -> home -> harbourfront -> home.
Okay how retarded, haha. (:
And my mum was kindof shocked when she saw me reaching home early, LOL.
Ahdi, 10 more days? ( if you know what i'm refering to. (: )
Mon - Tues: Adventure Camp. Miss me! (:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 11:22 PM
panic! at the disco - nine in the afternoon
Intensive Sims2-ing caused my wrist to be in pain, ha!
I played for 14hours yesterday leh! LOL. Gosh.
Went to "TheMindCafe" today.
There's Karen, Yvonne, Kaiping, Ruiting & her nephew.
Super hiong when playing that dinosaur game, ha!
Then to Bugis for dinner.
Slacked around with Yvonne and then home! (:
Thats all, bye.
Credits to Yvonne(again.. HAHA!) :

(omg super eerie! haha. my msg tone's secondhand serenade - fall for you. my phone just rang and that stupid radio played that song! ha!)
Saturday, June 07, 2008 @ 10:28 PM
i wrote your name, on my wall, three thousand times last night. you were on my mind..
Aunt's birthday.
Back from Singapore Flyer. (:
Pictures tomorrow.
Off to Sims2 now, tata.
opps, sorry. i was too obsessed with sims2.
ha! (:
photo album updated! (:
Friday, June 06, 2008 @ 7:27 PM
it doesnt help being stubborn ):
CIP @ HPB again.
Kindof slack today la, lolz, opps.
Alright, i'm kindof tired(a little emo).
So.. bye! xoxo.
cute boy, LOL:
Thursday, June 05, 2008 @ 11:25 PM
argh, zzz. stupid inconsistent moodswings.
I'd wanted to pay Esplanade a visit since Monday.
And since I'm kindof free today,
I've decided to let today be 'the day'. LOL.
So.. I saw Ahna online at around 7pm.
So i randomly asked him if he wanted to go esplanade.
And who knows, hahaha! We really went over to esplanade. LOL.
Next, a walk to AhChew's for dessert. Ha!
And then home.
Okay bye! (:
the reason why i love esplanade (a lil blur though):
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 @ 8:03 PM
f***, im hating you more each day. soon, maybe, it will die. goodluck..
Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 8:17 PM
Learn to accept what comes your way.
Got back my results.
HPB after that.
Stone-d at Spiderweb again. Ha.
The Challenge, ha.
It was fun! (:
Especially the rain! Heh.
Results not out yet.
And despite being so tired after hours of running about,
I still sacrificed my time to meet the 3idiots! HAHA.
And yes, finally a family outing after soooo long, lolz.
Was suppose to catch "What happens in Vegas" but weide and i was late.
So change of plans, we went to eat.
Gosh, i realise yesterday's outing turned out to be a eating session. =.=
They had subway, while i'd dinner at home already.
Then we walked over to PS.
And then walked to AhChew's for dessert! Heh.
Super tiring plus hot okay, keep walking and walking. Lolz.
But of course it was fun lah! Haha! Thanks to my craziness (:
Bus-ed back to GeylangEast, slacked for awhile and then home.
Thanks for being so nice (: