Monday, April 28, 2008 @ 6:38 PM
I guess it's not going far anyway.
Stupid exams! 9 more days.
Study lah Rachel. =.=
:( like you would care. zzz.
Hais, at least I've learnt something from it. (:
Friday, April 25, 2008 @ 9:03 PM
I shall be nice and post! [:
As all of you know that I've been sitting beside Stella in class since I don' t know when.
Now, the both of us are actually doing retarded stuffs everyday.
We're like two crazy idiots sitting at a corner doing stupid stuffs! LOL.
Okay whatever.
Okay, as for today, I went home after school.
How sad right :(
Watched "The Seventh Day" (Stupid HuiQing's fault! But I know you'll be delighted upon seeing this. =.=)
The show's kind of cute la, ahahahaha.
So, around 5plus, met up with a super qianda person. (Who claims to be not hungry but actually is VERY hungry, LOL.)
And then home awhile later.
Thats all, BYE! [:
(Anyway, we wrote letters to each other.
When we're just beside each other. =.=)

(Dont try to read. Ahahaha. xD)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 9:18 PM
Okay, I went school today. [:
But I ponned Bio. Oops.
Studied after school. (Like never complete anything, again. LOL.)
Okay that's all! xD
Look at that retarded BEEEEEEE of mine. Ahahahahaha! xD

Btw, this is SiewJean and Mohini. Ahahahaha!

Overdued Enrolment Picture. Ahahaha.
The only nice picture that Alan sent me. Lolz.
(Click to enlarge ok! [:)
Sunday, April 20, 2008 @ 11:38 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Okay, I'd spent hours rotting yesterday, HAHA.
MYE's coming, STUDY LA RACHEL NG. Zzz.
I've this feeling that I'm gonna do badly this time. ):
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 @ 8:52 PM
Its my 201th post. Damn slow right! My blog like how old liao lor. LOL.
Studied in Library these few days.
But apparently, nothing got into my mind, zzz!
(Yea, your fault, LOL.)
PFT today.
My 2.4 still suck la, but at least I passed.
And I pray that I won't have muscleache tomorrow morning.
Ok bye, xD
( Taken quite some time ago [: )
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 9:43 PM
Why am I talking to crazy people today!!! OMG. ZZZ.
----------- Edited -----------------
There's Karen, Jiaqi, Junxing & Apparently, as you can see from my tagboard, both SiewJean and Jasmine. ZZZZ.
Saturday, April 12, 2008 @ 8:55 PM
Went for the School's Mini Arts Night yesterday.
Was okay, but I had to move my head around to see. =.=
I saw Butter dancing, wakakaka. LOL.
(Ok, seriously, I think I will be laughing like that for quite some time, bear with me okay, LOL.)
After that I met Butter at 124, I'm so nice right! Pei her wait for DaBian. LOL.
Lucky she called me early, if not I reach home liao then she will ): Heh.
Then some idiots came, and then home awhile later, wakakakaka. LOL.
Ok bye [:
Thursday, April 10, 2008 @ 7:41 PM

And you! Stop doing stupid things to yourself ok!
Must take good care of yourself hor! If not I'm gonna slap you upside down!
Ahaha, ok, serious hor, not joking. We care for you one okay!! xDD
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 @ 6:11 PM
Wow, what a big downpour.
Monday, April 07, 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Bro fetched me to school in the morning, heh xD.
Wanted to pon bio again today la.
But in the end I didn't.
Then the stupid MsLam keep picking on me, tsk.
Then I was laughing Maxswen or something,
which has completely nothing to do with her ok.
Then she said "If you laugh, you're a loser."
Eh like wtf la, siao! Joke la!!! LOL.
Seriously damn 'joker' la she. Wth. =.=
Dont even feel like studying Bio already lor, =.=
After school it seems that every single soul is busy.
So sad right! So called my bro to fetch me home again, wakaka.
Ok Bye. Ahaha.
Saturday, April 05, 2008 @ 6:57 PM
GB today. Had fun during Recreation.
I was zi-highing la, LOL.
I believe the whole sports hall can hear me, =X
Went Mac, talked rubbish.
And then home. [:

Look at HuiQing's engrossed look. [[[:
Friday, April 04, 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Heh, miss my update right! [:
I guess there wasnt much to post.
Argh I lost $24 again. DAMN SAD. =.=
Seriously broke now la. =X
Siao-ed at liying's house today.
And there's GB tomorrow.
Ok thats all, bye! Ahahahaha. [:
i dont know.