Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 8:37 PM
flames to dust, lovers to
Miss Yong Bian Tai ! LOL.
I LOVE MATHS ! (Miss Yong, saw that ? Ahahaha. xD)
Stayed back after school for fun.
Played Bball for awhile.
Then watched BB do drill. Lolz.
Super retarded. Zzz.
Ok thats all. Bye. Ahaha.
Crystal : Wahahaa, well, it's been a long time since after camp. Do you still miss me ? Ahahaha.
Stella : Lol, which song ???? You also miss me ah ? HAHAHAHA.
Xinyi : Lol, no la ! I just felt like going to school. I only remembered that their taking their results in the morning leh !
Minming : Yea lorh, now recently keep bumoing into you uh ! Ahahaha.
SiewJean : Omg, you're so BHB. Ahahahahaa.
Ryan : We're F3-2 mah. LOLz. Still ok. You ? Haha.
Liying : Nvm la, it's okay. Ahaha. I just close for fun lorh. xD Cannot la, habit already. Must 'lol' now. If not will feel weird weird one. Lolz.
JingRong : Haha, tytyty. And np. Lolz.
Kejie : Lolz, lame !
KaiLun : Hahaha, EMO ! xD
Jodi : AhPa ! Ahaha, Ni Hao. xD
Evangelin : Alright. [:
Maine : Lol, why ? Ahahaha. You all got Sec 3 Camp ?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 @ 11:30 PM
i still cant put it down.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 @ 10:45 PM
completely dried up, i was so committed.
Simply love, Love, LOVE my class !
I miss camp already !
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @ 11:47 PM
now you want me to forget, every little thing you said.
Who did Geography homework ??
I didn't do it ! (I know I'm abit slow. Cause it's last at night and everyone should be sleeping.)
Went to Mum's salon just now.
I had pedicure ! Ahahahaha.
But it's a little crazy, cause I'll be off to camp tomorrow.
I know you guys will miss me right ~ xD
Ok, thats all. Bye.
Tag Replies :
HuiQing : Lol, ahahahaha, MOUSEPAD. After camp after camp after camp !
Stella : Lol, join GB la ! Ahahaha, or you tou tou sneak into our tent. xD
Minming : Where you hide to ah ????? Everytime never see you one !
Maine : Lol, ok. See how again bah. Ahaha.
JingRong : Thanks Thanks Thanks ! Lolz.
Passer By : Er, Plaza Sing, 'The Box'
SiewLeng : Haha, yea. Omg la. Ahahaha.
Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 9:42 PM
Went to Jeryn's yesterday, BBQ.
HotDogs cause cancer ok ! Don't eat too much !
Truth or Dare was LOL.
Especially the one when Maxswen kenna. LOL.
GB meeting today.
I was late. On the way I saw YunCui and so we ran to school together.
Ahahaha. Fun games today ! [:
After that, went MS/Suntec/Bugis/Kallang with PeiChuan, Yvonne and Ruiting.
The cabfare from Bugis to Kallang cost $12+ la. Wtf. =.=
Seriously damn expensive la. =.=
Stupid Taxis. Wth.
And guess what, I slept with my contacts on yesterday.
I dont know why when I took out this morning to wash it and put it back, it didnt hurt.
But when I'd spent the whole day out and then taking out my contacts when I reached home.
It hurts like @#$!@# la. Cant even open my eyes can. =.=
I rested for awhile until finally I tried to open it. Zzz.
Lol, ok bye. [:
Tag Replies :
Crystal : Ahaha, yea lor ! Your blog also after 10years then you reply one. Lolzzz.
LiYing : Lol, lame siah !
Karen : Ahahaha, OF COURSE ! xDDD
Maine : LOL, ooi, wrong link la ! Zzz. Then when want go ? I tomorrow maybe going out with my mother. Want come anot ? Lolzz.
Stella : Haha, aiyah, I get to see you for 2-3whole days during the camp you know ! Not enough ah ? Ahahaha.
Xinyi : I now very guai already ok~~
PeiChuan : Lol, Doraemon la ! Ahahaha, BOON la. LOLZ.
Thursday, January 17, 2008 @ 10:04 PM
It's not easy to accept and adapt to such big changes. Try being in my shoes.
Tag Replies :
HuiQing : AHAHAHAHAHAHA, Yea, I have good memory mah. xDD You stupid mousepad ! AHAHAHA.
Jasmine : Lol, what lame ? Ahahaha, too long no reply tags. Zzz.
Maine : Lol, you change link again isit ? Lolz. When want shop ? More NewYear clothes ? Ahahaha.
MinMing : Haha, yea lorh. Last week keep seeing you. This week like never see until you leh..
Xinyi : Ahaha, glad you know that ah ! Lol, I guai mahs, must study hard ! Dont everytime make noise ! AHAHAHAHA.
Liying : Lol, retarded la, I shorter than you lehs, lolz. Yea, I'm tired, but I'm still posting. Lolz. xD Of course I enjoyed my day !
Sunday, January 13, 2008 @ 11:44 PM
i believe you guys only cared about yourselves.
Studied & had fun today.
Shall post about it tomorrow, haha.
Bye. [:
Friday, January 11, 2008 @ 9:22 PM
lugubrious songs of lost love.
I'm incredibly high today.
Played NetBall & Bball today.
At least I got some man zhu gan.
I scored lehs ! And JingRong owe me $10 ah. xD
We also did drill ! Omg damn fun. Ahahahaha.
*miss drill siah* So long never do already.
Lolz. We play Mrs.Wolf, Ice and Water.
Omg, super high and super fun. LOL.
And BB was damn cool also. HAHA.
We were like sitting there 'kan hao xi' la. Lolz.
Imagine next time GB doing that, we'll be doing Jumping-Jacks ! Lol !
And I think English is damn fun !
I must learn more CHIM words. AHAHAHA. xD
And our class gets to use the whatever TabletPC for Maths&PW.
It's damn cool, superrrrr. xD
And there's a surprise on Monday !
Yea and I'm a very good girl in class. I dont make noise. [:
Ok Bye. I'm lazy to reply tags.
love is one big illusion, i should try to forget.

I'm at Season6 of friends ! Halfway through. [:
I wanna go shopping ! LOL.
Ok bye.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 @ 11:12 PM
Lol, ok. KarenLoo is LOL one.
Sunday, January 06, 2008 @ 10:30 PM
Rachel's a very nice person. [: LOL.
Ok, yea. My blog's back.
I kind of wanna study and kind of dont wish to. =.=
There's Bio tml ! Wonder how it's gonna be. [:
And I've joined FaceBook.
Because I think the badge is coool ! xD
I don't think I'll be active in it though.
Ok I don't wish to talk much. Bye.
Tag Replies :
Liying : School fun mah ! Haha. [: Who call you go work ! Not like me, so free. HAHA. xD Lol, I know you miss my laughter and lame jokes right ! xD Wahaha.
Peichuan : Haha, PC ! Try Try. HAHA. xD
Jasmine, SiewJean : Haha, Yeayea. Miss me right ? xD
Stella : Haha, yeayea ! Can play billard also ! I saw people playing today ! [:
KaiLun : Lol, yea. One day play again ! [[[[:
Ruyan : Relinked ! [:
Wednesday, January 02, 2008 @ 8:19 PM
See that fucking happy small girl down the fucking street ?
Well trust me, she's a fucking fake ass.
She didnt mean to be so happy.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008 @ 1:31 PM
Oh well, thanks anyway. [:
A new year, a new start yea ? [:
Went countdown last year. (Sounds so cool leh. LOL.)
Drop-ed at Raffles Place and walked to the Merlion area.
Was with my bro, his gf, my cousin & her friend.
Stood there for like 20mins before the fireworks started.
And I saw PLing twice la ! So lame cans !
She walked one big round, walked past me twice. Zzz.
Everyone was like aiming at the wrong direction la ! (Cameras.)
Until the fireworks came out and then they realised it's another side. LOL.
To be it was ok lah, the musical fireworks I saw like a week after NDP was much nicer.
Ok, so, the fireworks ended.
The policemen blocked then road, so we couldn't cross.
We were stuck there for like 10mins I guess.
Then when he finally open the barrier, wtf !
Every idiots behind was like pushing you forward.
Plus somewhere in front got slope.
Want to stop also cannot stop.
Change direction also hard.
But luckily it lasted for like awhile only.
Then damn funny, my bro saw his friend.
So he went like " Ooi, Ooi, YOU ! "
Then his friend also " OOI ! " back la.
Then point here point there, damn lame.
So we walked, walked.
Kenna police block here and there.
Then havoc, police once zhao awhile, everyone zhao, all direction also have.
Lol, so we walked till Bugis, then to Lavender Mrt.
Took train home. At least around that time the train was quite empty already.
Ok, what a stupid day.
School's re-opening tomorrow !
Kind of excited uh. HAHA. Oops.
Ok, I've finished 4 Seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S already.
So damn nice la, Lol. Started Season 5 already. [:
And I was suddenly reminded of the time a group of us was sitting in the coffeeshop.
Then I started calling PeiChuan PC.
Then I became the Mouse.
Then HuiQing's the MOUSEPAD. Damn funny.
Then don't know what don't know what already.
Damn lame ! Zzz !
Ok thats all ! Bye.
Tag Replies :
Crystal : Lol, oh. Nothing la. Haha. [[[[[:
Liying : Done must tell me ah, Lolz. Haha, HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO ! [: Simi 'op' ?? Lolol.
Xinyi : Wahaha, CHOU MA YI ! [:
Stella : Of course ! [: Lol, try not to lor. Haha ! Happy New Year Too my BUTTER !! [:
Jasmine : Lol, because I want super loads of stuffs ! I just put down any single shit that comes to my mind.
Sharmaine : Maybe I will still continue to study !! [: Haha, Happy New Year too ! [:
HuiQing : Haha, ya ! But quite style leh, only looks abit gross. HAHA.
PeiChuan : Happy New Year !! [[[: Wahaha.