Saturday, December 29, 2007 @ 9:54 PM
Yes, shopping again. [:
Went Bugis today.
We were crazy inside Diva.
Bought lots of accessories.
Like what I wished. [:
Shopping really can de-stress uh.
Especially when you buy lots & lots of stuffs, it feels super shiok.
But the money all fly away.
Ok, then shopped at Bugis Street.
It's crowded like always and I almost killed everyone including myself.
It's super frustrating.
Somemore people just stand outside the shop, blocking your blooding way when you're trying to walk across.
And some people just push you to get through. Argh.
Wanted to buy white skinnies, but forget it.
It doesn't look nice.
Actually black is enough.
Now I'm looking for shorts.
But I don't know what colour I want. But I know I dont want New Future's.
I saw XinEn at Bugis Street too !
It's been long since I've last seen her, not much changes. [:
And I need a pencil case.
I think I'm very guai nowdays. LOL.
I've been sleeping before/around midnight.
And waking up early in the morning.
Healthy right ? xD
Ok bye. [:
Life sucks, love hurts. LOL.
Went VivoCity with my cousin & my Mum.
Bought 3 tops, a school bag & a pair of heels.
I guess I need more bottoms and accessories. =.=
Some sort of regretted buying the heels cause it hurts wearing it. =X
Well, everything hurts.
And again, I've spent 1000years to decide whether to buy it anot.
But I didn't have much time, cause they're closing.
And I wanted this top from TopShop.
But it's like $60 !
I'm not working and yet I'm spending like mad !
How can ??! =.=
And I want white skinnies too.
I've been very into white these few days.
I wanna get a white flats too. [:
Well, school's re-opening soon.
I don't know why I'm kind of excited to go back.
Maybe because I just felt like studying. [:
Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ 3:54 PM
I'm just really super sad.
I can officially announce that I'm going to be emotional for the rest of my life.
Met Crystal last Saturday. Jasmine was suppose to come along, but.
She's a LazyBum !
Shopped around, finally bought school shoes, which was freaking heavy.
Can't blame, I'm afraid that there won't be stocks left.
Bought a white clutch, from Isetan, which I went home and realised that my Mum actually has one that looks 97% the same, but mine's still nicer. [:
Bought plain bangles, one black and one white.
Imagine life without my cousin next time,
I'll be short of bags and accessories to use.
I still think that I need to do more shopping.
I just wanna shop for more clothes, bags, accessories and heels !
I think my cupboard's damn boring.
Although it's full(of rubbish) now, if I were to pick the pieces that I would actually wear, it'll be like only 1/4 of the cupboard. =.=
I need bags too, & wallet !
I kind of want a watch too !
And I also need a pencil case !
But all these are gonna cost me $823854813474.
My Christams Eve this year was great, just rotting at home cause there's no where else to go.
That's how it is to be A/S & Emo.
But I swear I'm gonna be out on 2008's countdown, probably for the sake of fireworks. [:
Met up with Stella, Jasmine and Crystal on Christmas Day.
Weilun and Timothy joined us too.
The two of them were like half-dead la,
Crystal and Jasmine too, cause they ton-ed the night before.
Went VivoCity, had lunch, and shopped around.
Then the 4 of them were tired so they went home first.
Left Stella and Me. Shoppeddd.
Saw this watch, but I don't know whether I should get it or not, =X
I think that I still hadn't had enough of VivoCity.
I still wanna go back to shop !
There are still lots of shops that I didn't visit.
Boxing Day, went to watch Alvin & the Chipmunk with Kaiping, Ruiting, Esther.
Grace came to find us after the movie, because she had something on earlier.
Had Sakae Buffet, my only meal for the day I guess.
Shopped around and then home.
Had a small meeting today with the rest of the Sec2s GB girls.
Then went for lunch at AhBoon with Ruiting, Anne & Junie.
Chatted awhile and then Ruiting came to my house.
Ok thats all. I know it's a very long post, [:
One minute you're like so happy talking to me,
the other minute you're like trying to avoid me.
You think it's fun uh ?
I have no idea what's on your mind.
And so I know you had a very fun Christmas huh. ><
This time, you really hurt me.
Tag Replies :
Liying : Lol, oh. So when are you gonna officially open it ? Haha.
Jasmine : Sleeping mah, lol. I got reject your calls meh ?
Stella ; Haha, suresure, Honey is always here for you, haha. Why not check out Channel Honey at 8pm everyday ! xD Your songs will be back, LOL. Nvm, as long as Honey&Butter fated can liao, [: Lol, had a great time with you too ! First time going shopping tgt uh ? Haha. Aiyah, that PEOPLE bastard la, lol, don't need care one. =X Let bastards wait long long also can.
Ethel & Sharmaine : Late MerryChristmas too ! Haha. [:
Karen : :( :( :(
Crystal : Haha, go shopping can ! I got lazy mehs ? I was just trying to be emo and staying at home. Haha !
HuiQing : Wahaha, yes ! And I saved the world ! Hahahahaha. xDD I like Peter Petrelli also lehs, lolz.
Saturday, December 22, 2007 @ 12:03 AM
Wed, Family Outing :
Watch National Treasure, had Starbucks too.
Movie was nice. 4/5
The clues are amazing. Damn cool to me.
The rest of the days are my rotting days at home.
Watch :
Heroes S1,
Friends S1-10(Complete s1 only),
They Kiss Again (ISWAK 2),
Bull Fighting.
Heroes is damn nice.
Friends is super lame and funny.
ISWAK 2 is very nice too.
Okay, all is nice, if not I won't watch them. =X
And my Audition license, like left with 300+ points only.
And I failed, how pathetic. =.=
Thats all, and I need school shoes.
Tag replies :
Sharmaine : Lol, ok lame, you're a pig too, hahaha.
Crystal : It's meant to be retarded. [: Haha, yes. Changed. Now this is meant to be emotional. [:
Xinyi : Maybe it's because they like me, so they would wish to have my name, hahaha.
Kejie : All your fault la, =.=!
Stella : AHHH, haha. Miss you la ! See you soon. [:
Liying : Lol, why not done yet ? Erm, because I don't feel like it ? Haha.
Minming ; Apple is VERY sweet. [: Oh, but still, I know you love me alot. HAHA.
Jasmine : Harh, although you also orange, but the other one bring better leh, lol ! xD
Friday, December 14, 2007 @ 8:42 PM
You don't love me no more.
YAY, I've been staying at home recently.
Intended to ton, but still no one want, ZZZ.
Boring lahzz. Zzz.
And I'm having drill retreat tmrw.
Yet I'm still sleeping at 8am, and walking up around evening time.
ZZZ, so tmrw's retreat's time should be my sleeping time. LOL.
But guess what, I'm yawning now when i just woke up like 3hours ago !
ZZZ, I'm a pig. Thanks. [: Lol.
So I hope I can sleep like around 1am, so that I can wake up for drill tmrw. [:
I'm dying at home ! Zzz !
Ok Bye.
Tag Replies :
Heather ; Haha, yea! Super funny, Lolz.
Kejie ; Zzzz, dont act like you very innocent horh ! Then dont want give you cookies ah, zzz.
HuiQing ; Haha, npnp. You don't know RachelNg very kind one mehs ? HAHA.
Anne ; LOL ! Cause I'm just too kind ! HAHAHA. Opps. xD
Sharmaine ; YoYo, lol, lousy comp larhz. LOL. You everytime leave alot things here also dont want claim, Lol! Next time you come then take lorhs. Why you so street-dumb ? Aiyoh ! LOL !
Jasmine ; HELLO ! Lolzz. Go buy ! No more already, lol, on that day eat all finish liao, LOLz.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 @ 5:19 PM
Don't give me false hopes alright.
Shopping yesterday again, haha.
Didn't bought anything I think, Zzz.
Ate Teppan-Yaki again. Haha ! Nice lehz.
Ok blah, I'm gonna bake cookies again ! [[[:
Sorry that I didn't meet my cliques up yesterday. ]:
Other day then ! Haha. [:
Ok Byebye.
Tag Replies :
Kejie ; Lol, yeayea, GoToHell. I'm not lazy okay ~ Zzz. Go online give you suan only ! Zzz !
Xinyi ; Who call you not there, Zzz. Haha, NpNp [[:
Minming ; Ya lor Ya lor, Oranges de skin zuper thick one ! Relink-ed, Haha. How Do I Know~~ You love me ?
HowHow ???
PeiChuan ; Wakaka, Haha, NpNp [:
Crystal ; LAMO ! Ya lorh ! That day want go visit you want ziah, then the road junction there zuper full, plus I xingdong bu fang bian, then never cross. Zzz. Lolz, Ok ! Go Shopping ! Haha ! xDD
Sunday, December 09, 2007 @ 12:21 AM
Shopping today, Yes !
Lol, left home at around 5.
Late I know, and today, everywhere is so crowded!
Grr, I hate crowds. =.=
Met my cousin at Orchard Mrt.
Bought this cream for blisters, like when you're wearing heels and it hurts, it's useful ! Haha.
Really, you won't feel anything pain. (Reco-ed by bro's gf. Lolz.)
Bought 3tops, 1shorts & 1cardigan. Lolz.
Happy you knows~ It's been a long time since I've bought many things, hahaha.
To me its alot already, Lolzzzz.
Had PepperLunch, yums~ Haha.
And! My brother bought JiDanTang.
Omg, thats like my childhood sweet ! HAHA,
Zuperrrrr long never eat liaozzzz. LOLZ.
Zuperrrrr nice lahzzzz. LOLZ. Zzz.
AndAnd, my father gave me a Liverpool Lighter !
Omg, I know I don't need a lighter, but, nice ziah ! LOLZ.
And btw, it's nice wearing heels for shopping but also torturous. Zzz. Lol.
Ok bye.
Pictures :

JiDanTang and the Lighter ! Haha !
Friday, December 07, 2007 @ 3:06 PM
Firstly, I have to post about this. LOLz.
Few days back me and Kejie was crazy.
We played Solitaire like siaoooo.
Solitaire is fun larhzzxs. LOLZ !
(Must click to view. MUST ! LOL.)

Ok, yesterday went shopping with Karen!
Oh, we went M)phosis.
I saw this heels and wondered whether I should buy anot.
But we went elsewhere to shop first.
Had Teppan-Yaki for dinner. Yumzz. Lolz. Zzz.
Then we went back M)phosis, I took superrrrr long to decide I tell you.
I was wearing the heels, walking around...
Until dont know how many minutes later I've decided to buy. Zzz.
Bought my mum her present too.
Then my mum called and asked me if I want to go with her to the wedding dinner. Zzz.
So I thought awhile, I've got new heels ! Ok go. HAHA.
So I rushed home, get prepared and rushed down, was almost late. Zzz.

The Christmas tree zuperrr cute lahz. Made of Teddy Bears ziah, Lol.
I looked too ugly, so no pictures of me, Zzz.
And that's my mum with the bride. Lolz.
Tag Replies :
Minming ; Lol, aiyah, take oranges lorh, big or small also healthy. LOLZ.
Xinyi ; Never ask you what ? Mailed! Hahaz.
Kejie ; Shutup larhz. You then dumb arhz. ZZZZZZZZ.
Stella ; Haha, expensive anotzzz ??
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 @ 2:42 PM
How do I know you love me ?
So, Enchanted yesterday. (Pardon my 'z's. LOL.)
AhNa & AhShort tried to bluff us that the tickets are sold out.
I was dumb at first, but... Too smart la, cannot blame. Lolz.
Zuper crap la, I kenna suan until dont know what to say. Zzz.
Halfway during the movie, I was cravingggg for PopCorn la.
But sadly we did buy anything in mahs.
So actually AhLing and Me wanted to go out and buy something larhz.
But like very hard to go out, so sua lorhs.
Guess what we did. Zzz.
We went to buy PopCorn when the show ended.
Zuper retarted, I couldn't finish mine la. Zzz.
Then AhShort's bro came to fetch us home. Thankz. (I doubt he will see this anywayz. =.=)
Got home, and was so tired that I slept on my sofa while watching tv. Zzz.
And my maid woke me up at 6AM to go back into my room to sleep. Lolz.
(Edited 4.58pm. Lolz.)
And Omgz, was playing Audition just now.
Keep on winning la, zuper excite mans.
Until now I zuper jingzhang until cannot play already.
I think TOO TOO much already, HAHAz!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 @ 2:39 PM
Saturday :
GB Family Day.
Played games.
Went home with 1kg of rice. =.=
Ate at AhBoon, then to Library.
Saw this interesting book.
Quite true uh. Lol.
And I also realised that I'm actually a Stalker, so beware. [:
Sunday :
Went Kaiping's church.
I love the speaker ! Haha ! [[[[:
Popeye after that.
Yesterday :
Rotted at home till night.
Mum's birthday, went No SignBoard.
!@# waste money, the food not really nice. =.=!
Bored to death
Enchanted later, 'Family' Day.
AhLing, AhShort & AhNa. Lol.
I'm not in the mood to blog.
So, thats all, bye.
Tag Replies :
Yuncui ; Helllllloooo [:
JingRong ; Lol, Thanks [:
Crystal ; Wakaka, Shopppingggg !!
Xinyi ; Lol, oh. Quite a number of us la, we took turns lorh.
HuiQing ; Maybe we don't.
Karen ; Yea, thanks. [: LOL.