Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ 6:35 PM
Okaye, I shall post since Stella told me to. Wakaka.
Have been going to Mac these few days. 'Study'. I didnt actually study much. Because Im not in the mood to do so. Hmm.. So went Mac today. Reached at dont know what time. Then I wanted to study. But didnt not. Lol. Then after Candy, Crystal and me went walk-walk. To find the nice mint-chocolate. =D Its damn nice. Lol. But NTUC, 7-eleven, Cheers, Shop&Save all never sell. Hais. Damn saddening. Lol. So we went back empty handed. Then awhile later Candy and I went out again. We walked to 124. Because we got nothing to do. Then after I want go Shop&Save. So we went back. Then after that we went 7-Eleven. Both of us felt like eating Cup Noodles. Haha. And so we did. Lol. Then we carry our cup noodles to Mac. Like so bad like that la. Go in mac make so much noise. Then still bring cup noodles go in. So we all went to 7-Eleven. Because they all also want to eat. Then we sat at the stairs there. Eat finish liao went back Mac play. Ahaha. Not in the mood of studying lah ~ Then quite long later me and Candy decided to go home.
So I'm blogging now. =D Thats alllllll. Byeeee.
OMG. Im mad~~~ xD Can't blame. Tsk. I cant wait till Monday okaye. Lol. Although I hate school.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 4:09 PM
The whole class were like super hyper cans. =.= Wth. For like almost all the periods. We couldn't stop talking. Lol. After school went library, to hand in geog file. Mrs Lau damn crap la. Wth. Also don't what she wan siah. Then me and Candy don't care. Then see she give marks liao we zao. Then after that cabbed home. Bathed and ate. Then went mac to find the rest. Crapped there. I only managed to complete my stupid journal. Which no one is willing to help me do. Lol. Intended to study Chinese la. But my textbook also nvr underline those phrases/words. Then cannot study. Wth. So i did nothing. Went home at 5.30. Ate dinner. Ahaha. Then used computer. Wanted to go gym. But I was too tired. Ahaha. Then my cousin damn sad. Kenna cheated by me. Ahaha. And I slept at 9 plus okaye ! I was damn tired. But damn shiok siahs. Sleeping early is good !!!!!
Nothing much today~ Had to go for Chinese Remedial after school today. And it was my first and last one. Wakaka. Damn boring la. And HuangJin's voice is damn loud and sharp. =.= Wth..
After that jiu come home le. Say I'm guai =D
I just felt like updating with colours. Haha.
Sunday, April 22, 2007 @ 8:36 PM
Combined GB and BB Enrolment today.
Songs were great. Haha. Then blahblahblah. The juniors' performance damn cute la.! Lol. Super Cute. Okaye. Nothing much to say after that la.
After that went home. Slept. Lol. Then also nothing much. Lol.
But one thing! I got the number for Pink Cab le !! Nananipopo.
Friday, April 20, 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Omg. I don't know why I'm posting often these days. Perhaps I'm just guai la. Cannot blame. Lol. xD
Okaye. Nothing much today. Mrs Yuen didn't come again. How 'great'. Geography Test is simply easy when you know the questions. But I still made mistakes la. =.= Wth. After school went GE to eat Yu Tang with 'Walao Eh'. Then after that her mother longpang-ed me home. Thanks! =D
So reached home. Blahblahblah. Then slept. Of course =D. And my phone kept ringing. Lol. But I simply ignored it, and carried on with my beauty sleep. =D
Meet Jas around 10pm. And finally it was off my chest. *Sent* So I'm home. Lalala.
A&D tomorrow. We have to stand for like 1hr if I'm not wrong. Omg la. =.= I now begin to hate to do drill more and more? Lol. Whatever~
And, my RIGHT hand hurts. Awww.
It's finally off and I'm really happy. =D New start for both of us ! GoodLuck. =D
Thursday, April 19, 2007 @ 8:04 PM
Phew~ Just came back from gym. Wakaka. Planned with my cousin that we will go gym everyday when she comes home from work. Lets see if it will happen. Ahaha.
Went home after school today. Did nothing much. Haven started revising for Geography. There's test tomorrow. Hais. Am I hopeless or what ? I find that I've been slacking for a long time and my marks are like falling like shit. Omg. Hais. Im really damn lazy cans. Tsktsk. Save me someone ? Hais. Lol.
Andand, I've been very guai these few days okaye. I go home straight after school. Not to count the delays of deciding where to go la. =D PRAISE ME!!! Thank You Thank You. LOL.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 @ 7:56 PM

I dont know why Im growing more into that PINK cab lahhhhs! LOL. Grgh. Really damn cool siahs ! OMGGG.
Andand !, My Superman died today. I was moaning for 10mins before school ends. Sad right ! And he has got only 2 pathetic flowers. So sad lorhs.
0kaye~ My brother is currently working as a Image Consultant(without experience). Lol. Actually work very long le la. Its the shop where I took my makeover picture. Yea. And He had already sold 4 packages in total ? For dont know how many months. Lol. I think he sold 2 this month. Or maybe its 4. I didnt hear properly. So he said if he sold 10 this month, he would give me $50. Lol. So i hope he sells 10. LOLOL xDDD Then I'll be rich. Wakaka.
And this auntie damn cool ! LaoZhaBor. Actress. Damn cool siah she.
Byeee. Roller Coaster Tycoon Time. Lol.
Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 11:03 PM
Omg. I wanna ask this question,
"Do I Look Better With Or Without Specs?"
I don't know why, i just wanna know. Lol.
Sunday, April 01, 2007 @ 6:05 PM
I woke up at around 8am cans. I don't know why. Perhaps because I slept at 10pm last night. I tried to continue to sleep but cannot lehs. So forget it lorhs. I woke up and played audition. After that I went to watch tv. The Pillow Mystery thing. Then my mother woke up and ask me if I wanna go to my aunt's shop. I was like "Provided she wan help me do facial lorhs." Lol. So in the end I went. And had facial of course. After that blahblahblah. Then went Grandlink to get my hair-cut. But when we got there we saw that the shop was gone. I was like =.= waste my time. I really need a hair-cut cans. I buey tahan liao lorhs. Then I called Jeryn but she didn't answer.
So i went home. Then about 10mins later she called. Then she told me that they move. But still in Grandlink. So, obviously, I went back to Grandlink with my mother. Then had my hair-cut. Quite nice lah actually. So perhaps, I will be going there to cut next. =D
While walking home, I wanted to go 7-eleven to LSLS. Then on the way, there's this darkskin man laying on the ground, looking dead, but actually sleeping. He's actually sleeping on the pathway. =.= And people kept looking at him. =.= And he can sleep until so peacefully lah. Wth. =.= Then after that someone called the police. Blahblahblah. How interesting. Lol. Yet lame. =.= So here I'm home, blogging. Thats all. Tata.