I shall be guai and update again. Since 'Walao Eh' wants me to update. Wakaka.
YESTERDAY Went "Seoul Garden"[Marina Square] by bus after school. Many of us went. But we had limited time only. Cause they said that there would be another group of people coming in. So we had to go off early. After that, outside the Seoul Garden all of us were like 'Camera Freaks' cans. Everyone started taking lame photos. Lol. Then after like 10mins, some went to the toilet. I didn't go lah. But they were a little long, and I was also abit urgent. LOL, so I went to the toilet. Guess what? They were taking photos. Like siao like that cans. Also very noisy. Lol. And I practically took photos with everyone you see~ =.= (My camera's not with me, so I can't upload the photos. Like 'Awwwww'.) Lol. Then also about 10mins later, we went shopping. Me. Candy, Jeryn, Yvonne and Pei Chuan didn't follow the rest. So we went walk walk. Then Yvonne and Pei Chuan was like busy taking photos in the Roxy Shop. So we didn't bother about them and the 3 three of us went off. Lol. Then after walking a few shops, we saw Mini Toons and went in. All of them were there cans. =.= Lol. Including the 2 Camera Freaks in Roxy. Lol. So we walked round and round the shop, and went off. We saw that there's a Fashion Show at 8pm. So we decided to wait. Hence, we shopped more. And Marina Square is really damn cold. I forgot to bring my sweater. Then super cold cans. =.= *Pengs* So next time people, when you go Marina Square, bring a sweater/jacket. Then, we met again. This time its really funny. I was calling Karen, which I forgot what was it for, then after that i saw these 'Red Coloured Shirt' bunch of people in front of me. And one which looks like Karen, on the phone. And its really them lahs. Then me and Karen was like talking on the phone. And we saw each other. How amusing. =.= Lol. So of course, we LTP(Laughed Till Peng). By that time was already around 7. So we went in "Creative" to LSLS(Look See Look See). Then after around 20mins we came out. And then we started sitting at the 2nd level. Kiasu right? LOL. But I don't mind. Wakaka. Lol. Then after that we waited la. Then at about 8.05 it started. Watched for like around 30mins. Wasn't really nice lah. Lol. But Jeryn loved their hair. Cause its straight and silky la. Lol. And their heels are like damn high cans. =.= *Wahpiangs* I wonder how they walk cans. Then after that we were deciding where to go. Karen, Kaiping, Junie, Anne and HuiQing went off first. Then Jeryn and I went home about 5mins later. Had a lift from Jeryn's Dad. While Candy, Yvonne, Liying and Peichuan went to Esplanade to LSLS the scenary and the Parade Ground for this year's NDP. Lol. Thats all. =D
TODAY GB meeting today. I have a chance to teach drill ! Wakaka. But its not as easy as I thought. Lol. After GB meeting, Me and Jas went to eat. Then Candy came to join us. After that Jas had to go home. And Candy came my house. I changed and take $ then we went to Bugis. Wakaka. Candy and I bought a wallet each. Finally ~ =.= I also bought a pair of slippers. Cause mine was in the 'State of dying'. So we saw Kaiping and co. in Swensens. That time I wanted to find a shop which sells cake and sit down and enjoy. Since Kaiping they all in Swensen, we went in too. I ate 'Cookie Summit'. Wakaka. Fat liao siahs. CONFIRM ! Diedie. =.= Hais. After that was when I bought my slippers. Then we went to MRT to meet Kaiping and co. Then took MRT home with Jeryn. So now, I'm home ! Like duh ~ =.= I'm being lame. Bear with it. Lol.
Okay ~ So I realised that this is a long post. Lol. xD BYE !
And the reason why I've grown fat this week. And its a confirm. Because, I ate Mac on Mon, Wed and Thurs. And ate KFC on Tues. And I ate Seoul Garden on Fri. You see~~~
Sunday, March 25, 2007 @ 6:23 PM
YESTERDAY Creative drill competition. Our timing was a little off. But was still fine. Then went to the multi-purpose hall to wait. From around 1-4pm like that. Hais. We sat there playing and eating. Lol. Had fun though the time was long. Then time's up. Went down the parade square. Was told where to stand during the Awards-Giving Ceremony. Then finally it's time. Lol. So we went to our positions. And waited. Lol. Speech by the judges first. Then they announced the COP, followed by Bronze, Silver and then Gold. And of course, The Challenge Shield. xD So slowly, it reached Gold. 4th COY and us got Gold. Congrats. =D And the Challenge Shield was ours once again! I was super happy cans ! Our hard work's worth it. When they announced the winner of the Challenge Shield, I was like super happy and felt like bursting into tears. But was in sedia position so couldn't. I was really happy cans ! After they keluar baris us, I cried a few seconds later. Couldn't stand it. Lol. Kaiping hold until very tired le. So i helped her ! xD I hugged the Challenge Shield. Wakakaka. Pioneer did well too. They got Silver. In fact, all of us did well. Cheers. =DD We have to thank all the mams for the Challenge Shield. Special Thanks to Miss Wong (Trainer), Kaiping(Commander), Merrini(Creative Drill Trainer) Kelly, Esther, Alecia. They were the ones who were there to guide us during the practices. Thanks Lots! =DD
TODAY Went Bugis with Jasmine. I wanted to shop for wallet and slippers. But all not nice. So in the end didn't buy. I only bought a bar of chocolates and ate Ajisen ! Wakaka. Jasmine very gross cans ! LOL. She eat finish le, but she didn't eat the sotongs. Then she was playing with it. She poke the sotongs one by one into the chopstick. Then after that she chewed the sotong. =.= Chew Chew Chew liao then say not nice. Then pui come out. =.= Tsktsktsk. Lol. Then after that went home. So here I am blogging. xD
Saturday, March 17, 2007 @ 10:55 PM
I was bored, so I edited a picture. Contingent Picture. Wahaha. xD
Click to enlarge.
Girls, click on the picture and then right-click on the picture on the new window. Then click 'save picture as'. [If you want the picture. =D]
National Drill Competition today. I don't wanna comment on it. Lol. All the best bahs. For creative drill and results. Lol. Was really tired. I woke up at arnd 4.30am. For the first time of my life~ =.= Got ready, blahblahblah. Then they slowly one by one came. Then went to school. Ate bread. Lol. Miss Wong bought those. Then after dunno how long, we started to set off. Wahaha. Got there. Wait about 10mins. Then inspection. Blah Blah Blah. Then time for us to march into parade.! Wahseh. The feeling sibei song siahs. LOL. Aiseh mans. LOL. Then blahblahblah. I shall not go into details here. Lol. Then after that, it's over. Lol. Then sat down. Everyone super hungry and tired lahs. Lol. I want sleep but cannot fall asleep. I dunno how jas managed to sleep. Lol. Was super tired cans. Then sat there from like 10-4. =.= Super sian cans. =X self-entertained. =.=" And finally it's time to go home. Took bus back. Lol. On the way, was talking with Kelly about handphone stuffs. Lol. Then went back school. Quickly changed out of uniform. Then went home with jas. So here i am. =X Thats all. And i haven started on my homework at all. Not even a single one. Haven even touch my bag cans. =X
And I've uploaded the pictures that was taken during drill time. It's all in my photo album. =X Go there for more details. www.picturesofmemories.blogspot.com
I don't know how to end it and start that. Perhaps I just don't have the guts? Why though? I'm hating it and loving that more each day. But i just dunno what to do.
Friday, March 09, 2007 @ 6:20 PM
SEC 2 CAMP. DAY 1 The first day was okay. Went NEWater and Airport. Was with TE KIA and Candy during NEWater. And this guy super funny. He was walking then his eye poked the information board. The edge lehs ! Poor thing ! Only the 3 of us saw i think. Then we laughed non-stop. LOL. Then went back school. Had free time. Went to wash car ! AHAHA. So fun cans. Lol. Then dinner time. Kenna punish. Go quadrangle sit. They call us cover our mouth. LAME CANS. =.= Wth. Then went back to eat. And they gave us melted Ice Cream. =.= Then after that went to Airport. The bus was very noisy la. Everyone was shouting here and there. Wth cans. But very funny la. Haha. When its time to go back to school, most of them were sleeping. Lol. So boring cans. Reached school. Realised that Siou Te didn't go airport. He was punished. AHAHA. Who call him call me Ji Pu Sai la. Lol. Saddening. Jeryn's parents long bang-ed me home. Thanks! =D Thats all.
TODAY Went 108 just now. Intended to play basketball. But in the end we find that the weather very hot. So didn't play. Then we sat under the HDB flat. Yuanting and Kaiping was sleeping. While Me, Jasmine and Candy was talking about lame stuffs. Haha. Then went home at around 4 plus bahs? Played Audition. Haha. And I level-ed. AHAHA ! xD Fun cans. LOL. Got nothing post la. =X
ANYWAY. Im proud. =D Congrats.Can't be bothered okays. =.= Grow up please.
Two different thoughts at different times. I don't know what I want. =X
Tuesday, March 06, 2007 @ 10:12 PM
Went to school as usual. Nothing in particular. Liping released us late today. Hence, I missed the bus for the soccer match. =X Me and Jas ran to quadrangle cans. But the bus JUST went. =.= irritating. =X So we went SingPost. Ate KFC. Then went popular and NTUC play. LOL. Then went home. I was so guai cans. I was doing corrections for Maths. And then re-copy notes for Literature. Cause too messy. LOL. But guess what. I still had to do Compo Corrections. But I left it in school. =X sighs. Thats all la. Nothing else.
Saturday, March 03, 2007 @ 6:21 PM
OMG. I seriously didn't know that i didn't blog for so long. Lol. I didn't blog for like 16 days. Lol. Can say that i super busy lahs. Lol. =X I can actually remember what i did. But I couldn't remember which day was it. =X Forget mans. Lol.
YESTERDAY After school didn't know where to go. So we headed to Hans. I didn't eat though. Then went back home. Went to meet Candy and Karen at around 6pm? At SingPost. I had to get materials to draw the GB contingent shirt. Then after that headed to Bugis for our dinner. Ajisen ! Wahaha. Lol. I ate Spicy Miso Ramen. While Candy ate Tom Yam Ramen and Karen ate Spicy Ramen. Best man ! Super shiok can the food. LOL. I eat until very happy. Haha. After that Candy wanted to go see shorts. But when she tried she said it doesn't fits her. So didn't buy. Then we headed to OG. We had lots of fun there lahs ! Couldn't stop laughing cans. =.= Sadly I didn't bring my camera. If not confirm got alot pictures to upload one. All the lame lame things we did. HAHA! Went home at around 9? I still had to do the contingent shirt lahs. I do do do till 2am. Changed the design though. Because the actual one was too hard to draw. =X
TODAY Woke up at around 8am. I'm suppose to meet the Auntie at 8.30am. But I realised that I forgot to draw the front part. So i rushed through. It was done in 5 mins time. Haha! So quickly rushed down and gave her the drawings. Then went to meet Yvonne and Ruiting. Cabbed to school. Drill ended at 12 plus? Then Me, Candy, Esther, Karen, Yvonne and Ruiting went to eat Roti Prata. It was nice la. Lol. After that Candy, Karen and Yvonne came to my house. Actually Ruiting wanted to come. But cannot. Saddening. Haha. So we played mahjong awhile. Then went down to the Gym. Exercised. Ahaha! Had fun too. =D. Then at around 5pm we came back to my house. They were buffing their nails. Because there's nothing to do. Haha. Karen went home first. Then Yvonne went home at 5.30pm. Followed by Candy a few minutes later. Haha. Thats all bahs.
And I still haven't completed my History blog homework. Date due's on Friday. Im late. =X Sighs.