Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 7:55 PM
im lazy to post. but i shall post about my miserable sickness.
on the 27th. i had slight fever and my body was aching, at school. i was sent home and it got worst. i had high fever? 38.5 degrees. plus headache. then at night i slept with this cold towel on my head. of cos i woke up in the middle of the night lahs.
then the nxt afternoon[cos i woke up in the afternoon.], on the 28th, my fever was gone. BUT. i had DIARRHOEA. RAHHH. so i went to the toilet for like 7-8 times? from afternoon till night? like before i slept lahs~. so my mum and aunt told me to stop eating/drinking. so im like fasting lahs. DRINK oso cannot okay. MAD. ok nvm. but when im very hungry i still can have like porridge lahs. PLAIN one. =/ miserable. but i can jian fei. LOL. so i slept. then midnight woke up. went to the toilet agn. you all shud noe wad happened. so after that i went back to slp.
then morning woke up, i think i went to the toilet agn, for my business. i forgot lehs. lol. so i didnt eat anything. as 'usual'. arnd 3 plus i went to the doctor. had medicine. so got home and ate my porridge and medicine. then went to rest. then blah blah blah. so now its like time for me to take my medicine. and im eating white bread now. =/ how miserable.
so, as i cant eat much now, i feeling so tempted to eat that sumthings when they come to before my eyes. i have a list of food that i wanna eat man. you see :
1] pizza
2] frog leg porridge
3] apple
4] wad we call the ABC soup.
5] ba ku teh
6] cup noodles
7] kfc
8] ice cream
9] french fries and nuggets
10] flavoured drinks. im like stuck to honey water and plain water. when taking my medicine. and i cant drink!
11] rice ?!
12] miso soup!
13] YOSHINAYO. my auntie bought it home. for herself. AND I CANT EAT IT. RAHH.
14] famous amos cookie
15] dou hua
16] prawn mee
17] chocolates
18] tidbits
oh well. they might be more. so, i guess i will still be a fat pig after i recovered. lol.
Friday, November 24, 2006 @ 6:19 PM
shall post when i come back after camp. really have no time now =X
25-28 dec - GB camp.
3-6 dec - Genting.
Sunday, November 19, 2006 @ 11:28 PM
went VIVO with mum today. =D bought 2 tops and 2 bottoms. i love one of the top lahhhs. very nice ! xD after shopping went salon. my cousin colouring hair. then last min i decided to get a haircut. the person cut until quite nice lahs. cost me abt $38.5 after discount. =X then i saw GODIVA that shop. so i called my mum to go in. bought 6 chocolates, $22.20. DAMN NICE LAHS. gonna buy it nxt time ! SUPER NICE. i saw one box of chocolates, with like 2 trays of chocolates. cost $245 lahs. wth.... then one box with 6 chocolates cost $34. =.= danm ex lahhs. but nice lorhs. =/ then after that go walk walk agn. then went secret recipe to eat. eat until very full lahs. =.= then after that go walk lil bit agn. then jiu go home lerhs.

going KL on tuesday. who wanna go with me? lols. SHOPPING SPREE !~ yea mans!
Thursday, November 16, 2006 @ 11:53 PM
A-Damn good kisser.
B- Good all around person.
C- You're wild & crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E-You have a nice ass
F- People totally adore you.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You get hyper easily.
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You like to try new things.
L- You live to have fun.
M- Success comes easily to you.
N- You are absolutely beautiful.
O- You're an awesome person.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Sexy!
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love.
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgemental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for.
Z- You're a little too hard to find.
so then,
R- Sexy! [so like no? =.=]
A-Damn good kisser. [idk lahs. =.=]
C- You're wild & crazy. [perhaps. LOLS]
H- You have a very good personality and looks. [excuse me? pa jiao arhs? =.=]
E-You have a nice ass [erhem.. wash ur brain..]
L- You live to have fun. [yea baby!]
Name 5 friends u want them to do this :
my blog cannot highlight the words. =X dun nid call ppl do lahhs. lololols.
back from chalet. tired. duh. i shall be a good girl and post wad happened before i go to slp. xD
14 Nov.
checked in at arnd 2 plus. got into the room. then awhile later went to pick the rest. i sort of like forgot wad happen lahhs. lololols. then after that played mahjong and cards. the same usual sian things. lols. then arnd 5 plus or 6, started fire and bbq-ed. we shall thank IVAN for the fire, and KAREN and CRYSTAL for the food xD. so we ate a few chicken wings each. cos 2nd day still eating. after that we watched PCK, MY SASSY NEIGHBOUR and a show abt teenage life while playing cards/mahjong. then candy and jiaqi came. arnd 9 plus? then blah blah blah. then abt midnight i think, we went mac to eat. i was really hungry lahs. MUST EAT! lols. then went back to the chalet. slacked and play agn lorhs. we almost did the same thing everyday lahs. lols. addicted to gambling. =X actually not lahs. its just that we really had nth to do. lols.
15 Nov.
arnd 5 plus in the morning. we wanted to watch sunrise. but we dunno whr the sun is. and the sky's getting brighter. so we gave up and went back to the chalet. bathed. then was tired? so slp a lil. for liek 2-3 hrs isit? lols. i dunno. then when i woke up i kenna gastric. RAHH. it was damn pain lahhhs. like wanna die. =X perhaps that was the worst gastric i ever had? so i had to eat. couldn't walk. so karen and crystal went to eat food for the rest of us that are awake. lolols. thanks! HAHAHs. then when my food came, my stomach still hurt. couldn't eat lahhs. although i noe i needta eat. =X i gave up in the end and went up the bed and rest. then i slept. woke up and my stomach didn't hurt that much. so i quickly grabbed the chance and eat. =X didn't finish the food. cos i was full. =X after that. arnd noon? we wanted to rent bikes. but must wait 1/2h. we actually wan wait de. but it drizzled. LOL. then didn't cycle. then went arcade. we WALKED the arcade. didnt play anything. =.= lols. then after that we went white sands shopping centre. i bought 3 bottles of SNAPPLE. xDD lololols. then actually thought that there got arcade. then wan go there play. in the end GONE. =.= so went back the chalet. after that forgot wad we did lahhs. then evening bbq-ed agn. thank IVAN, KAREN, CRYSTAL agn. lolols. then BLAHBLAHBLAH, i lazy say lerh lahs. lols. arnd midnight they started bbq-ing agn. this time ivan was slping. lols. so thank JIAQI, KAREN, and MAXSWEN lols. nvm. i was feeling very bored. so i crapped with maxswen's love life. LOLS. damn funny lahhhs. wahahas. then around 1 plus went to sleep.
16 Nov.
woke up at arnd 9plus, 10? lols. was really tired lahhs. =.= then woke up went to toilet. when i in toilet i suddenly heard my auntie's voice. i was like, HUH ?! DIAOS? how come she so early come. =X then after that checked out and went home. then played com for while. then get chnged and went for drill. today drill oni 1 hr. cos raining. then postpone. then after that came home. play com agn lorhs. long post yea? xD gonna go slp soon. heh heh.
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @ 6:09 PM
had drill today. got our stage 1 drill test badge. =D hahas. happy!~
after drill went to eat with karen, candy, kai ping and ruiting. after eating me, karen candy went to NTUC see see walk walk. lols. cos raining heavily. then after that still raining. so we took bus to my house. lols. then reached my house the bus-stop. flood lahs~ =.= but fun larhs. hahas. then my whole shoe wet. xD then we waited at the bus-stop to cross the road. wait very long lahs. =.= lols. but sort of like played water. hahas.
then after that finally got to cross the road. then went up hse play mahjong. xD lols. then we play play play. got a period of time we all blur blur. =.= lols. keep playing wrong. hahas. damn funny larhs. lols.
after that wanted to play taiti. but lazy go out of the room to take. xD so we played one round of old maid and uno. hahas. all the long time no play de games. =DD lols.
Karen is the old maid.~ HAHHAs. then i dunno why keep laughing non-stop. =.= lols. then awhile later ok lerhs. hahahs. then candy mum called. she got to go home. hahas. so karen oso go lorhs. then they go lerhs, i play com lorhs. xD
Friday, November 10, 2006 @ 2:09 PM
yea baby! im finally done with my blogskin. =DD
happyhappy... xD
Thursday, November 09, 2006 @ 7:11 PM
I received a call ytd ! lols. Police call me say they found the person who stole my bag. Lols. But they say the person throw the bag away liaos. =.= idiot... My wallet he oso throw away. Rahhh. The policeman asked me the cost of my bag and wallet. And make him pay ! LOLS. YEA MAN!. lols. He oso say what he will/might be sentence to jail. lols. He deserve it mans! Idiot. Who call him steal my bag. Hurhs! So they will call me when he will be sentenced or whatever. =D Wahahahahaas. xDDDD
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 @ 3:32 PM
im just feeling so bored so i did this. =X
YVONNE ` the devilic-angel and oso KAREN(she asked me last time. but i didnt do it. lols.) asks me to do this survey:
1.Single,taken or crushing?
taken ?
2.Are u happy wif ur life now?
rahhh. not quite =X but is better than the last few mths/weeks.
3.When u meet d right person,do u fall in love with him fast?
no ?
4.Have u ever had ur heart broken?
shud be have lahs. lols. i oso dunno lehs. =X
5.Do u believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
6.Would u take back someone if he/she cheats u?
maybe. but i did. but maybe he's not really cheating. =X
7.Have u tok abt marriage wif another person before?
8.Do u want children?
see how lo. see nxt time want anot. lols
9.How many?
nxt time then see
10.Would u ever consider adoption?
no? maybe ?
11.If someone lyks u now,wad is d best way to let u noe his/her feelings?
12.Do u enjoy getting into relationships?
13.Honestly,wads d furtherst thing u n ur ex did?
(think too much.) =.=
14.Do u believe in love at first sight?
15.Are u romantic?
16.Do u believe tt u can change someone?
17.If u could marry someone,where will it be?
never thought of it.
18.Do u give in easily when fighting?
19.Do u have feelings for someone right now?
20.Have u ever wished u could have someone but messed it up?
21.Have u ever broken a heart?
idk. =.=
22.If one day ur best friend fell in love wif d boy u are deeply in love wif,wad would u do?
it wun happen? even if it happens, see how la. LOLS.
23.Are u missing someone right now?
yea. all my girl-friends. xD
Name 5 friends u want them to do this survey:
i shall be kind and not call anyone to do it. xD